Saturday, February 25, 2006


This Sunday after service our church is going to have a pot luck and I am so excited I think I nearly wet myself. I don't know why I like potlucks so much. Maybe it's because you get to try so many different foods, maybe it's because it's (mostly) home made. Maybe it's because I get to eat. Whatever the reason it's going to be great.

The first potluck I can remember was when my family visited the Sebastian CoC for the first time. They were having their annual fish fry. Tom Sawyer (I swear that was his name) would take his boat to lake Okeechobee every year and fish for a solid day or two. The day after (which would be Saturday) the church men would go and skin/fillet all the fish. Then on Sunday Tom would fry all the fish as well as make hush puppies. This was on top of all the other pot luck type items.

Maybe it was a bit naive but I had just assumed that a potluck was a CoC special. Apparently it's a church wide thing (which I'm very thankful for). I wonder if certain food items cross (non)denominations as well..such as the fruit salad, sliced ham, deviled eggs, of course the Holy bird a bucket of KFC chicken.

Shayna doesn't get to excited for them. That's ok..just more for me.

Another other timeless potluck dishes I missed?


  1. Green bean casserole ... it ain't a potluck without it

  2. Mac and cheese, but that would kill you.

  3. In Alabama, whenever we had potlucks at church, we could always count on one lady bringing 2 dozen Krispy Kremes.
