Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It's time for a blog about me wife!

I know most of you don't really care for these kind of posts. If that's you, go ahead and look at the next post. It's about man in tights. That's hot.

One of the many reasons I love Shayna is because of her heart. She is always trying to make people/animals/flowers feel better. If someone looks sad, lonely, or upset she takes it upon herself to help them out. It takes a special kind of person to be like that. I'm not like that. I don't think about that sort of stuff. I don't percieve it. I guess it's good that we have each other.

Another thing I really love about my wife is that I now know how to irritate her just enough so that it's funny. She's not really mad, but just mad enough to start laughing.

I hope everyone at some point finds a person that they can do that with.


  1. Great, now I'm teary AND stuffed-up. Which in turns makes me irritated, but in a funny way. :-P

    Thanks, babe.

  2. I liked the part about her trying to cheer up flowers...never knew that flowers get I know and can go about cheering up flowers too. The more you know...

  3. I really am all about inanimate objects havign feelings. Ask Carl about me and stuffed animals sometimes. :-)

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